Click here for more testimonials
Helping clear eye infections
Mrs F, UK
“In July I had a very bad eye infection. I went to the doctors and was prescribed an eye ointment called ‘Brolene’. I had to apply this morning and evening, and was told by the doctor if there was no improvement to go back to the surgery”
Cure for Athlete's Foot
Mr KL, Birmingham, Alabama
“I started using the liquid as a treatment for Athlete’s Foot in February 2002 and continue to take the Allisure™ capsules each day”
Help with Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Ms JB, Kent, UK
“Jenny has never been able to digest certain food, especially bread. Already a convert to Allicin she added in a probiotic and follows regimen as detailed in the heart of garlic book”
Garlic Book
Let the power of garlic help to heal you. An A to Z of conditions and suggested treatments.
A comprehensive book, written by Peter Josling, Director of the Garlic Centre takes an in-depth look at the powerful health giving properties of Allicin and its link to garlic. It explains why, until recently, we have been unable to extract and stabilise Allicin and why it is more effective than other garlic products.
Covering a wide range of ailments, the book demonstrates treatment regimens to combat allergies, infections and even reverse these, especially microbial diseases caused by bacterial, viral and fungal infections.
To learn more about the healing power of garlic,
order "The Heart of Garlic book."